Welcome to Climate AI Nordics. We’re a network of researchers who work on problems related to tackling climate change using AI and machine learning. Climate AI Nordics acts as a hub, hosting and announcing news, seminars, and workshops. Join us!
Scroll past the Core Team, and you can filter researchers based on research interest.
In total, Climate AI Nordics consists of 117 people from 59 different organisations in the Nordic countries (what are the Nordics anyway?).
Core Team
Olof Mogren, Research Director, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / Co-founder of Climate AI Nordics
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Deep Learning * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Aleksis Pirinen, Senior Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / Co-founder of Climate AI Nordics
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * BlueSky
Nico Lang, Post Doc, University of Copenhagen
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Remote Sensing * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Francesca Larosa, Post Doc, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Machine Learning * Climate Policy * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar)
Stefano Puliti, PhD, Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Ankit Kariryaa, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Sustainable Cities * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Hilda Sandström, Post Doc, Aalto university
Climate Modeling * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Molecular Modeling Of Atmospheric Chemistry * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Sigrid Passano Hellan, PhD, Researcher, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar)
John Martinsson, PhD Student, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Machine Listening * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Affiliates - Recently Joined
Delia Fano Yela, PhD, Researcher, RISE
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar)
Joakim Nivre, Professor, Uppsala University
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Serge Belongie, Professor, University of Copenhagen / Pioneer Centre for AI
More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Gabriele Messori, Professor, Uppsala University
More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Stefanos Georganos, Associate Professor, Karlstad University
Geomatics * Earth Observation * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Jonas Hentati Sundberg, Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Alan Said, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Ali Mansourian, Professor, Lund University
Urban Planning * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Spatial Analysis * GIS * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Kalle Åström, Professor, Lund University
Earth Observation * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Alexandros Sopasakis, Associate Professor, Lund University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Urban Planning * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * NLP * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Patrick Rinke, Professor, Aalto Univeristy
Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Materials And Atmospheric Science * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Christian Igel, Professor, University of Copenhagen
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Ecosystem Monitoring And Modelling * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Annamaria Mesaros, Associate Professor, Tampere University
Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Research group * Publications (Scholar)
William Lidberg, Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Yonghao Xu, Assistant Professor, Linköping University
Earth Observation * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Fredrik Lindsten, Associate Professor, Linköping University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar)
Laura Ruotsalainen, Professor, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence / University of Helsinki
Urban Planning * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Adel Daoud, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology / Linköping University
Earth Observation * Urban Planning * Sustainable Cities * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning
Géraldine Fauville, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg
Education * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Somya Joshi, Associate Professor, Stockholm Environment Institute
Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Environment Impacts Of AI * More info (researcher profile) * Research group
Patrick Eriksson, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Publications (Scholar)
Heather Reese, Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Smita Chakraborty, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Edmond Sacre, PhD, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Murathan Kurfalı, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Jie Zhang, PhD, Researcher, Uppsala University
Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Fluid Dynamics * Meteorology * HPC * More info (researcher profile) * ORCID
Jorge Lazo, PhD, Researcher, AI Sweden
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Publications (Scholar)
Sonja Aits, PhD, Researcher, Lund University
Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Deep Learning * Knowledge Graphs * Impact On Climate Change On Health * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Faranak Tootoonchi, PhD, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Climate Modeling * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Machine Learning * Climate Impacts * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Venugopal Thallam, PhD, Researcher, Uppsala University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Urban Planning * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Ramón Fuentes Franco, PhD, Researcher, SMHI
Climate Modeling * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Linda Hartman, PhD, Researcher, Lund University
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Nosheen Abid, PhD, Researcher, Luleå University of Technology
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Urban Planning * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar)
Steven Sarasini, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Jaime Caballer Revenga, Post Doc, University of Copenhagen
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Juan Rocha, PhD, Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * NLP * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Santiago Arellano, PhD, Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology
Laura Helene Rasmussen, Post Doc, University of Copenhagen
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Carolyn Rosten, PhD, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Soundscape Analysis * Biodiversity * Machine Listening * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Benjamin Cretois, PhD, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * BlueSky
Chiara Ceccobello, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Urban Planning * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Sustainable Space Exploration And Research * More info (researcher profile) * ORCID
Edvin Listo Zec, PhD, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * BlueSky
Leon Green, PhD, Researcher, University of Gothenburg
More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Mohammad Kakooei, PhD, Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology
Earth Observation * Urban Planning * Sustainable Cities * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Rasmus Astrup, PhD, Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Sustainable Production * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar)
Matthias Lehner, PhD, Researcher, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics,Lund University
Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Oskar Åström, PhD Student, Lund University
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Kévin Dubois, PhD Student, Uppsala University
Nina Lepola, Project Coordinator, Uppsala University
Alireza Taheri Dehkordi, PhD Student, Lund University
Publications (Scholar)
Joel Oskarsson, PhD Student, Linköping University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Sustainable Transport * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Extreme Weather * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Azalea Alothmani, Industry
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Sustainable Production * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning
Amal Nammouchi, PhD Student, Karlstad University
Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar)
Shorouq Zahra, Research Engineer, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Alouette van Hove, PhD Student, University of Oslo
Maria Bånkesad, PhD Student, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / Uppsala University
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Daniel F. Perez-Ramirez, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Urban Planning * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Manal Rahal, PhD Student, Karlstad University / Thermia AB
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Erik Larsson, PhD Student, Linköping University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Weather Forecasting * Research group * ORCID
Daniel Holmberg, PhD Student, University of Helsinki
Climate Modeling * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Puzhao Zhang, Industry, DHI
Earth Observation * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Martin Willbo, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Earth Observation * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning
Sanna Jarl, PhD Student, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Machine Learning * Bayesian Optimisation * Publications (Scholar)
Dawda Cham, Student, Södertörn University
Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Urban Planning * More info (researcher profile)
Céline Heuzé, Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky
Max Angenius, PhD Student, Lund University
Ludwig Bengtsson, University of Gothenburg
Aprilia Nidia Rinasti, PhD Student, Linköping University
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Sustainable Cities * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * ORCID
Elin Engkvist, Industry
Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Efficient Or Sustainable AI
Natalie Lucca, Industry
Sustainable Transport * More info (researcher profile)
Markus Pettersson, PhD Student, Chalmers University of Technology
Earth Observation * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Adrià Amell, PhD Student, Chalmers University of Technology
Publications (Scholar)
Erik Holmgren, PhD Student, Chalmers University of Technology
Ghislaine Gunge
Daniel Emanuelsson, Environmental Consultant, Undeko
Andrea Nascetti, Associate professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Publications (Scholar)
Hannah Frostenberg, PhD Student, Chalmers
Supporting Affiliates (Outside Nordics)
Iresh Jayawardena, Assistant Professor, University of Auckland
Biodiversity * Urban Planning * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Anupama Kuttikkat Xavier, PhD Student, Royal Meteorological institute of Belgium
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Varsha Ganguly, Researcher, Central University of Rajasthan
Anna Luise von Blohn, Researcher, Leipzig University
Puja Tripathy, PhD Student, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Ellen De Jonghe, Researcher, Ghent University
Jiby Mariya Jose, PhD Student, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam
Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Sustainable Transport * Sustainable Cities * Sustainable Production * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * NLP * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Publications (Scholar)
Alistair Foggin, PhD Student, University of York
Aarav Pillai, Takshashila
Tiffany Vlaar, Assistant Professor, University of Glasgow
Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * Efficient Or Sustainable AI * Computer Vision * Soundscape Analysis * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile)
Filip Dorm, PhD Student, EPFL
Earth Observation * Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * More info (researcher profile) * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Blanca Delgado-Márquez, Associate Professor, University of Granada
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Luisa Delgado-Márquez, Assistant Professor, University of Granada
Bartel Van de Walle, Professor, United Nations University / Ghent University
Climate Modeling * Sustainable Cities * Efficient Or Sustainable AI
Ibrahim Inak, PhD Student, Ege University
Nirdesh kumar Sharma, PhD Student, Iit delhi
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Niti Mishra, ISGlobal / Pompeu Fabra University
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Catherine Wang
Linus Ericsson, PhD, Researcher, The University of Edinburgh
Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Benson Mbani, PhD, Researcher, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Earth Observation * Climate Modeling * Biodiversity * Marine Ecology * NLP * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID
Magali Frauendorf, PhD, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Biodiversity * Computer Vision * Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Research group * Publications (Scholar) * ORCID * BlueSky